A signaler sur Grand Text Auto (si vous ne connaissez pas ce blog collectif anglophone qui recèle de multiples richesse, cliquez ici). une contribution de Nick Montfort de l’Université de Pennsylvanie, (malheureusement en anglais) qui aurait passionné Abdel, l’auteur de Romanesque 2.0 (cf http://romanesque.fr/ ).
Cette contribution disponible à
http://grandtextauto.gatech.edu/2007/06/20/playing-defender/#more-1530 porte sur la question de créer un automate générateur de texte pour raconter les mêmes événements de différentes façons. : « This is a distilled version of my dissertation defense from this morning, for Grand Text Auto.
The main question Im considering today (after working on it for a few years) is: How to create a text-generating automatic narrator to tell about the same events in different ways? The context for this question is interactive fiction (IF).
There are two parts to the answer:
- Develop a formal theory of narrative variation for IF
- Implement it in an IF and text-generation architecture
If it were possible to do everything perfectly the first time, it would just be a matter of developing the correct theory and then implement it. As it happens, in the actual project Ive undertaken, the first attempt at a theory and implementation informs some changes and another attempt, and so on Today Ill consider the theory and the implementation of a new interactive fiction system, nn. The name nn is meant to suggest the fundamental distinction between the narrated (events and existents; content) and the narrating (the telling of these).La suite est à http://grandtextauto.gatech.edu/2007/06/20/playing-defender/#more-1530