Facade, un drame interactif de Michael Mateas (en anglais)

facade2Découvrez Façade, un drame interactif en un acte, produit de l’intelligence artificielle « expressive ».
Il est disponible gratuitement (en anglais).  
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Facade s’inscrit dans des travaux consacrés à la complémentarité entre intelligence artificielle et création humaine pour la génération de drames fictionnels, sujet central de Romanesque 2.0 (voir http://romanesque.fr ) . Voilà ce qu’en dit son auteur, Michael Mateas, professeur à l’Université de Santa Cruz en Californie (voir sa page perso ici) :

« My work is in Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based art and entertainment (Expressive AI). The fundamental research question in expressive AI is resolving the tension between autonomy on the part of the AI system and human authorship. I build AI architectures, in the context of interactive art and entertainment, that simultanously allow human artists to craft the experience while providing autonomous, generative and dynamic response to interaction. By viewing AI as an expressive medium, my work raises and answers novel AI research questions while pushing the boundaries of the conveivable and possible in interactive art.

A major thrust of my research is Interactive Drama. Façade, a collaboration with Andrew Stern, provides a good demonstration of interactive drama, showing how novel approaches to character AI, story AI (drama management) and natural language processing can be brought together to create a dramatically compressed, intense, first-person experience. My continuing work on interactive drama is supported by a generous grant from Intel. »  

A propos Olivier

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