Dans la série des outils d’analyse des proximités des mots dans un texte, découvrez les Spheres sémantiques de lartiste et mathématicien colombien Santiago Ortiz, qui travaille sur les liens entre arts et sciences.
Profitez en pour visiter tout son site de trajectoires sémantiques à http://moebio.com/santiago/ : un des favoris d’Abdel, l’auteur de Romanesque
(cf http://romanesque.fr ).
Les Sphères sémantiques sont à savourer à :
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« Spheres shaped by dialogue, a net of semantical combinations. The richness of words consists in their relations with one another. A single pair of words placed together is enough to create narrative, reflections, theories, poetry, humour, or even the arbitrary
Spheres is a project in constant evolution. At this point in time, there exist four spheres: Three spheres of words in distinct languages and one trilingual sphere, of recent publication, created as an interface of communication between the scientific and social communities.
The spheres of relations, with available versions in Spanish (inauguration in March 2004), English (November 2004), and Portuguese (March 2005), are spaces of stimulation and inspiration; spaces in which a slow conversation among words can be developed, and through these words, among peoples. Upon selecting two words in the sphere, spontaneously or premeditatively, the question arises: What relation exists between them, between their meanings? Therefore one may respond with the first thing that comes to mind, search for a profound relation or merely arbitrary meaning. That which the spectator chooses to write, will live on in the sphere; others will read it and write new relations. »