DEN est un récit de fiction créé en 2004 par Il se découvre sous la forme d’une correspondance amoureuse entre deux personnes par messagerie informatique. Pour le lire, il suffit de télécharger gratuitement un logiciel qui vous permet de lire cette correspondance, comme si vous receviez les e-mails (à lire à votre rythme). Une interface originale et en plus, la volonté de permettre la création de nouveaux récits du même type. Un truc qu’Abdel, le créateur de romanesque ( ) regrettait de ne pas avoir inventé lui-même.
What is a DEN?
It’s a novel you read on your PC. The « book » is actually a series of windows simulating emails, web pages, and Instant Messages (IMs). You click through the story just as you would read emails from friends. How does it work?
You download your free copy of our first DEN, Intimacies, from this site :
Is it real email?
Though the novel looks like real email and web pages, they are actually simulations which are totally self-contained on your computer.
The story itself ?
Two young professionals « meet » through a mis-sent e-mail. They become « attracted » in cyber-space and tentatively agree to a « real » meeting. A brutal assault follows. The obvious suspect is the e-mail partner, but one person is unconvinced. A series of surprises and revelations follows–all delivered in digital form, all entirely possible, and all representing ways we now learn of events in our world where virtual reality constantly fights its counterpart.
I’m a writer and would like to try writing my own DEN. Is there software I can use? We are in the process of finishing that software as we speak. Sign up for notification to buy your own DEN-ware for your own novel.