Dichtung digital, une mine de reflexion sur l’art numérique et la cyber narration


Dichtung digital est une revue en ligne (publiée depuis 1999 en anglais et/ou allemand) qui propose une mine de reflexion sur de multiples sujets liés à l’art numérique et à la cyber création. Elle est entièrement consultable en ligne à
(cliquez sur la langue qui vous intéresse en haut à gauche de la page qui va s’afficher).

Quelques exemples d’articles qui renvoie à la problématique de Romanesque 2.0 (cf http://romanesque.fr  ) dans le dernier numéro (n°36), disponible à :


Computer Games as Narrative: The Ludology versus Narrativism Controversy [English]

Is the concept of narrative applicable to computer games? Are games therefore part of literature? Or do they need their own methodological approach and institutionalisation? In chapter 8 of her book Avatars of Story Marie-Laure Ryan investigates the battle between narratologists and ludologists and explains why a game may not be a story but can be a machine for generating stories, why the narrative in a game often is only an affective hook disappearing once the player is absorbed in the fire of the action, and why on the other hand some times the game is just a ludically organized system for storytelling.

Event-Sequences, Plots and Narration in Computer Games [English]

Fotis Jannidis sees a narrative aspect in computer games which has nothing to do with background stories and cut scenes. A closer analysis of two sequences, taken from the MMORPG Everquest II and the adventure game Black Mirror, allows to distinguish between the sequence of activities of the player, the sequence of events as it is determined by the mechanics of the game and this sequence of events understood as a plot, that is as a sequence of chronologically ordered and causally linked events.

A propos Olivier

L'autokteb est le nom par lequel Abdel désignait la toute première version de Romanesque 2.0 son générateur de roman.
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